Down and Dirty Daily Events

These guys. Hire them!


Insulation. In the attic. Those guys were nuts, I’ve never seen more dudes so pumped about their big ass gothic truck that opens up on the side to reveal the biggest, belching, oldest insulation pump known to mankind. And they ran up and down the ladder blowing chopped fiberglass in every last nook and cranny […]

Electric Company

Electric Company

Our electrical needs ended up being so complicated. I still can’t really explain them. Words like three phase, single phase, 208 leg, 240 service, power poles, transformers….my head swirls. Zac fought with Entergy for a thousand years, about where on the historic building the big ugly grey boxes would go. He would do all this […]

Some of the fine work.

The second roof.

This is a long story. This one begins in 2014. The year was 2014. Zac had this complicated system of platforms and poles in his head for our HVAC system. See, when you retrofit an old building, there are a few hard questions. Where do you put your trash? (still unanswered, BTW) Where do you […]

Time to get a real plumber. Uh, for sure.

A concrete decision.

You finish the tin ceiling, and as pretty and as majestic as it looks, it only makes the other things look worse. Not that one wouldn’t notice the room with half wood floor half dirt with a precarious ramp built by a hillbilly taking you to the other sea of wood flooring. The next project […]

The plaster disaster

The plaster disaster

Plaster. Brick. Smooth plaster. Original plaster. What gives? There are so many ways to treat a beat up, nailed into, painted upon plaster wall, but no one could agree on the right one. This one was over brick, so just knocking it out and putting up drywall wasn’t a choice. Well, you could have just […]

The next (and last) tin ceiling

The next (and last) tin ceiling

And on the 8th day, we got Robbie LeCompt. What a lifesaver. Our contractor, now that we are legit, told us we might get along and that maybe we could get in touch. Well, you listen to me right now, if you want to test whether or not you get along with somebody, you work […]

Joining the Capital Class!!!


It is all a blur. I can’t even remember the order of events. It was like, 2014, engage with bank. Loan Denied. 2015. Wake up mad. Decide to rewrite and rewrite and rework and seek advice regarding business plan. Get lots of input from experts. Work hard on radio station. Have friend consider investing. Have […]

KUHS 97.9 FM Launch Party at MASM

KUHS 97.9 FM Launch Party at MASM

The day was finally upon us. We had been testing our airwaves for a couple of weeks, we had our official license from the FCC saying “GO FOR IT!” and the party was planned. We had no choice but to jump into the pool of balls and try to swim. The party was at the […]

Trippy, dude.

2015. Getting the studio together.

So. 2015. How was this going to work? We had an idea. A dream. An FCC license through Low Key Arts. And we had a building that kind of sort of maybe had a lot of work done on it. A lot of work, but so tragically little in the big picture. Luckily, we had […]

This is Zac. Digging a hole. This man loves a hole.

KUHS 97.9 FM Tower Erection Day

It was a big day the day we had about 25 people show up to help us haul the tower around the building and erect it in the back yard.  Here are some stills, with a video for dessert.                                 […]