New Shiny Gutters and the 70′ Freedom Drain

Drainage. The final frontier. We had done all the preliminary work, and now it was time to install our NEW GUTTERS!!!! Zac special ordered them from some industrial nation like Michigan or something, after getting many gutter estimates that failed to impress us. You could put little house gutters on the building for $500. Or you could get the big mahonies like we wanted installed from $2100. Or you could order them and put them up yourself for $700. You tell me, what would you have done? These gutters should do it for a while, they should take mass amounts of water and encourage it to head down the teal pipe for a ride to the city stormwater drainage condo. It’s like a theme park ride for rain. And leaves. And probably the occasional insect that gets mixed up with the wrong crowd. So, you wanna see pictures? YOU WANNA SEE PICTURES????? oh, I’ll show you pictures.

Lookin good! Now we just have to connect them to something.


The box. Connect it to the box.....

And then bury the box! And WA-LAH you have a working gutter system!!!!

Until it rains, and you realize that the building is still taking in water. You watch, you observe, you detect puddles that seep into the building. You realize that more digging is in your future. And you go numb, desperately numb inside. And you give up hope of ever being anything but a construction worker on your own doomed dreams, and then you start digging and forget about all that angst.

Back at it! You can't keep a good man down.

Perforated Drainage Pipe, I'm gonna lay you down.

Laying pipe.

Cover that pipe in gravel to make it a French Drain, instead of Pipe in bed of Rocks, which is really all I thought it was.

A man and his French Drain. What other secrets is he keeping?


Now we just need it to rain.