Brute force and the strength of one man.

At the end of the long day, we cleared out "most" of the stuff

Newton Smith. Zac’s dad. Came out to visit, prepared to wreak some havoc on the “future studio” room. It is the smallest of the three, yet somehow had attracted most of the stuff. So one by one, Zac and Newt hauled the pianos out of the small room, and into (sniff!) the empty (ish) room with the solid floor in it. Now that room looks like a studio of sorts, the studio of a very optimistic tinker-er.

I  have most of these pianos listed for sale, and a nice guy from Kansas City was going to come down and pick them all up, sight unseen, for a relatively low price, but he has stopped returning my calls.

So it goes, I will relist these on CraigsList, and hope to get a little cash out of the situation.

Thanks to Newt, holy cow! What an effort, he broke up two pianos and helped move many many more. Now I gotta get rid of them! oy!