It’s the year 2013.

New Years Eve. I had a great time. We went out with the kids, I was ready for a relatively calm family style new years eve, where you quietly dismiss yourself around 10:30 to go home, because you know there is no way your kids can reasonably make it to midnight, and quite frankly you can’t either. BUT one thing leads to another, and I decided to be a bourbon sipper, which boy howdy! That stuff sneaks up on you. So I found myself at 4:30 AM with my good friends gathered around in Barbara’s (or Aaron’s, or was it Doug’s by the end of the night?) kitchen, with Aaron making me coffee. Aaron who had to drive his family to Galveston the next day, at six in the morning.  Aaron, who remained friendly until the bitter end, and Barbara who was determined to leave after we left, huddled around the kitchen island, laughing and just enjoying the craziness of it all. The kids were asleep on the couch snuggling with some dogs. All that was real special and good, but the reason I am sharing this distinct night with you is that a bourbon hangover makes you mean!  I woke up the morning of 2013 at an early hour, and said  to myself, “this year I am going to get something done”. All this wishy washy, all this thinking about all the things we haven’t done, haven’t gotten around to, all the opportunity we have, and the best we can do is, well, have another cup of coffee? Well, maybe it is the onset of menopause, but I tell you, this year I am going to get mean until something gets done around here!

Neptune gonna make you cry! (or at least work)